How to spend the night

How to spend

① If you are alone now, you should make companions. This comforts you and decreases your anxiety.
② It is desirable that youth and cheerful people make an effort to talk to the elderly and person/s that are on their own.
③ At times like this, all women should watch out for criminals. Yes - Japan is safe, but be cautious of your own safety.
④ When talking to others, give them a chance to speak out about their emotions. Talk about random stuff, trivial stuff, etc, to keep you and their minds off the earthquake.

Watch out for Hoaxes!

There are several hoax e-mails and tweets by heartless people about situations of the earthquake.
DO NOT act upon these hoax. Instead, listen to reliable sources (e.g. Policeman, Defense Force people, radio and TV) for information.

To avoid Venous thrombosis (Better known as Economy Class Syndrome) at the Shelter.

  • move your fingers and toes frequently
  • Move your heels up and down with both legs, 20 to 30 times every hour.
  • Stretch as much as you can!
  • Drink heaps of water. Don't avoid drinking water just because you're worried that you have to go to the toilet all the time!
  • Cautions should be taken especially when you are staying inside a car.
  • loosen belts or any items that may restrict blood flow.
  • Lift your legs higher than your heart when you are lying down.
What exactly is Venous thrombosis?
A venous thrombosis is a blood clot that forms within a vein. (Thrombosis is a medical term for blood clotting (Haemostasis) occurring in the wrong place, i.e. a thrombus forming on the inside wall of a blood vessel.Wikipedia

To keep warm.

A plastic bottles with orange cap can withstand heat. If you have happened to secure hot water, they become good hot-water bottles, body warmers and water for drinking. Especially, it is useful for babies and elderly people who can't control their body temperature properly.

Caution about Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning

Because of power failure, many people are using oil-stoves and gas heaters, and the number of CO poisoning instances are INCREASING.
Modern houses are very highly airtight, so think ventilation before you chuck that gas stove on.


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最終更新:2011年03月13日 06:01


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