
Cooking Rice without a Rice Cooker

If your electricity is failing, here is some cooking you can still do.

What you need:
  • A pot or a pan with at least 18cm of depth
  • 3 cups of rice
  • 600ml of water

1. Wash rice and drain out the water.
2. Put the washed rice and 600ml of water into the pot/pan and let the water soak into the rice for about 30 minutes. (If you're in a hurry, you can skip the waiting)
3. Put the pan/pot on the fire (high power setting) with the lid on and heat until boil.
4. Once the water starts boiling, change flame power to low, and let it cook for another 15 minutes.
5. When the 15 minute wait is over, momentarily set flame to high heat for 5 seconds, and switch off fire immediately.
6. Leave for extra 10 minutes with the lid on, and the rice is ready to eat!

(Thanks to the unknown poster for this information!)


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最終更新:2011年03月13日 16:19


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