
Evacuation Orders

  • Fukushima Daiichi(No.1) Nuclear Power Plant
Perimeter Order
20km - 30km Radius    STAY INDOORS   

  • Fukushima Daini(No.2) Nuclear Power Plant
Perimeter Order

Current Status

  • Fukushima Daiichi(No.1) Nuclear Power Plant, Reactor No. 1

  • Fukushima Daiichi(No.1) Nuclear Power Plant, Reactor No. 2

  • Fukushima Daiichi(No.1) Nuclear Power Plant, Reactor No. 3

  • Fukushima Daiichi(No.1) Nuclear Power Plant, Reactor No. 4

Nuclear Power Plant news

Tokyo-Denryoku Power supply company (TEPCO) announced about Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant situation.After injection of sea water into the Reactor 1st and 3rd, but still water level is low,the fuel rods are exposed 1.7m in 1st Reactor, and 2.0m in 3rd Reactor. There are not much recovery of water level. Jiji tushin 13.Mar, 21:48
In Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant No.1 1st Reactor and 3rd Reactor, melt down has occured. Hydrogen produced by high temperature steam and Zr which used for cover of fuel rod. By this Hydrogen, the possibility of 3rd Reactor building explosion has increased as 1st Reactor building. abst. Mainichi shinbun 13.Mar, 22:25
TEPCO announced to Japanese Government as "Emergency", according to "Law of Taking special counter for Nuclear disastor", because the amount of radiation increased again and exceed the limitation value at boundary of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant No.1 area. At the boundary of Plant area, the amount of radiation was measured 1015 micro Sv in one hour at 12. Mar afternoon. After that, once the amout decreased but at 13.Mar. morning 8:20, the amount was measured as 882 micro Sv. The limitation of radiation amount for person by law is 1000 micro SV per year. There is an activity for opening exhaust vent to emit steam(with small amount of radiation substance) from Reactor housing at the 3rd Reactor. Tokyo-Denryoku is investigating relation ship of this activity and increasing of the measured radiation amount value. Sankei shinbun 13.Mar, 11:20
Agency: Uranium fuel may be melting at reactor. The government's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency says 2 radioactive substances, cesium and radioactive iodine, have been detected near the Number One reactor at the Fukushima Number One nuclear power station.The agency says this indicates that some of the metal containers of uranium fuel may have started melting. The substances are produced by fuel fission. University of Tokyo Professor Naoto Sekimura says only a small part of the fuel may have melted and leaked outside. He called on residents near the power station to stay calm, saying that most of the fuel remains inside the reactor, which has stopped operation and is being cooled. Saturday, March 12, 2011 15:26 +0900 (JST)


The explanation about Fukushima nuclear power plants accident by Nuclear Science and Engineering(NSE) by Dr. Josef Oehmen has been responsed, however, he isn't professional at Nuclear physics, and some contents are not accurate. Then the volunteers at NES opened and released the revised explanation.

An investitagive series by the Asahi Shimbun.

Provides updates of the nuclear crisis in English.

  • EX-SKF : "I am Japanese, and I not only read Japanese news sources for information on earthquake and the Fukushima Nuke Plant but also watch press conferences via the Internet when I can and summarize my findings, adding my observations."


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最終更新:2012年03月04日 06:33


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