
Local Japan Emergency dials

171 + 1 + line phone number to leave a message
171 + 2 + line phone number to listen to the message

Please minimize using your landline for emergency services. In case of emergency 110 (Police) or 119 (Ambulance & Fire engine)

If you need to contact or find people you love, please use 171, Twitter or Skype.

Public Phones Map in Yamagata, Iwate, Fukushima, Miyagi, Nagano

the map is editable: http://nobi.cc/publicPhone

How to use pay phones in damaged areas.

It is annouced that the pay phones are free to use. If your mobiles run out batteries, please use a pay phone to contact your family.
  • Green Analogue type public pay phone
Press "緊急" or insert a 10yen coin. Once you finish, you can get a coin back.

  • Digital pay phone
You just need to pick a receiver and dial.

Sendai international center 13.Mar.2011, 17:05

Disaster information in easy Japanese, Chinese, Korean and English are available.
4links in this topic are same order as above.
You can call 022-224-1919 or 022-265-2471 if you have question. You can speake English, Chinese and Korean.


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最終更新:2011年03月14日 01:23


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